Bluetooth Based Home Automation project using Arduino

In proposed work ultrasonic sensor is used for the measurement of water level inside the water tank. It measure the distance of water level from the top of water tank and gives its report on smartphone application using Bluetooth technology. The proposed home automation system contains three hardware components smartphone, Arduino board and Bluetooth module.

home automation using arduino and bluetooth code

Remember To Disconnect The VCC Pin Of HC-05 Before Uploading Code.

Code for Home Automation Using Arduino and Bluetooth

There are many such technologies by which many more difficulties are entering. This is a special issue which examines the most recent contributions of IoT platform as well as in the progress of the trending technologies. A statement from IoT is that, monitor and control any technology from anywhere, anytime, wireless, fastest. Automation means all the appliances connected to the system can control by the Bluetooth-based app which can run on any mobile phone. You can make this application by yourself by using the MIT app inventor too. I hope you all will succeed to make this project by yourself you have to read and follow all the instructions given in the article.

home automation using arduino and bluetooth code

In the first case, if the command ‘all on’ was sent, then all the bulbs will turn ON. If the command ‘all off’ was sent, then all the bulbs will turn OFF. Likewise, if the command ‘white on’ was sent, then the white bulb will turn ON. If the command ‘white off’ was sent, then the white bulb will turn OFF.

About this project

It uses sonar to calculate the distance from a physical objects. It has an excellent range of object detection from 2 cm to 400 cm with high accuracy. The ultrasonic sensors calculate the physical object's distance by transmitting ultrasonic wave and then detects its reflection wave.

Octopod, a uniquely shaped full automation system that allows you to monitor your industry and keep security with AI and smart RFID locks. Control the speed of brushless DC motor using Arduino and Bluetooth module (HC-05). Control and monitor the home environment using Android app with advanced features such as voice command, scheduling, home preparing itself. Your APK app from is now outdated and its not working after downloading it.

Home Automation Using Arduino and Bluetooth

The proposed system has two main parts hardware and software. The hardware part consists of three main hardware components smartphone, Arduino board and Bluetooth module. Software part consist of Arduino integrated development environment and Bluetooth terminal smartphone application which is used for wireless communication between smartphone and Arduino board. Since we are controlling AC appliances, we will require a Relay module as well because AC appliances work on a much higher voltage and cannot be directly controlled by the Arduino UNO development board . Ensure that the maximum voltage and current ratings of the appliance being controlled are well within the range of the rated voltage and current of the relay module. The IoT is one of the leading and advantageous technologies in the 21st century, which can give the high level implementation feasibility in the field of wireless telecommunications.

home automation using arduino and bluetooth code

The IoT can also be defined as a smart and interconnected network in a highly dynamic infrastructure. The biggest deal in IoT is to collect the huge data and data security in maintaining the data confidentiality and providing the privacy for every entity. As a result of all these aspects, new difficulties are entering in improving and implementing the current technologies.

How does the Code Work?

We similarly operated the sprints to cut down the energy supply of unpaid employee which would be regulated wireless using the IoT theory. Scanning will be carried automatically and stoners get the information through message using GSM. In this technology savvy world, IoT and smart homes have been emerging technologies. All electronic gadgets used in a home are made smarter by connecting them to the internet using IoT. All manufactures are designing their next generation devices with additional hardware which helps connecting the device to WIFI. These additional hardware’s are either used to remotely control or monitor the device and implementing distributed monitoring system for a smart home.

The HC-05 Bluetooth module is used to receive data from a smartphone. The 16×2 LCD module is used to display the status of the home appliances. Also, we need to download and install the Bluetooth Controller App on our Smartphone, Which is sending data to the HC-05 Bluetooth Module. Digital Technology has become an integral part of our lives today.

Home Automation Using Arduino and Bluetooth Control © Apache-2.0

We are using an HC05 Bluetooth module for establishing a connection between the Arduino board and our smartphone. Here we will send data from the smartphone using the Bluetooth controller App, then the Bluetooth module receives this data and pass this data to the Arduino. Now, Arduino is decoding this data, and sending commands to the relay module to control the devices. At the same time, we can see the status of the home appliances on the display. After you have uploaded your code to the development board, open the Bluetooth application and secure a connection between the devices. Now type an appropriate command and the bulbs will light up in response.

The Internet of Things is a system that intelligently adds everyday content information to the internet in order to facilitate communication between objects and humans, as well as among themselves. In this study, we demonstrate how IoT can improve home automation. The relay, Node MCU, which is a network access component, is used in our suggested system.

Electroduino Tutorials help electronics lovers, makers, hobbyists, and engineers to learn and build electronics projects. We provide complete insight and technical details about electronic components and project tutorials and guides to implement projects. Now considering room scenario, an Arduino UNO will control devices and reads sensor data. The figure "Room Architecture" depicts how the Arduino UNO will connects with the devices and sensors. Room have multiple controllable devices(i.e. Light, Fan, Wall Socket, etc.), one PassiveIR , one temperature sensor and LDR . After connected Bluetooth, your app screen will be like the above image now you can control the system, with the on and off button.

home automation using arduino and bluetooth code

This is a very Popular project Nowadays and also interesting when you can control your home appliances with your mobile phone. It is pretty simple You should have only the basic knowledge about electronics and microcontrollers. To make this Home automation using Arduino and Bluetooth Now you can make this project by the given step at our website. After completing the installation process, open the app and make sure the circuit is connected to the power supply and the Bluetooth module is on. Also, make sure the Bluetooth module pair with your smartphone. You can pair your phone with the HC-05 Bluetooth Module like we normally pair the phone with Bluetooth earphones or speakers.


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