House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development Agenda

house commerce committee

This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will enable the provision of critical social services for low-income and economically disadvantaged families throughout the region. He worked for months with Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) on legislation to create an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate what led to the Jan. 6 attack, but that legislation received little Republican support in the House and died in the Senate with no support from Republicans. Thomas J. Bliley, who chaired the committee from 1995 to 2000, chose to use this traditional name, which underscores the committee's role for Congress on this front. The Committee’s classified hearing with members of the intelligence community, including the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence made clear the dangers posed by applications that are controlled by foreign adversaries and the need to take action. Yesterday, thanks to the bipartisan efforts of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, as well as many other Members of the House, H.R. 7521, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, was signed into law.

Producer Sues Al Roker Over DEI Policy Failures

The days of our foreign adversaries using applications to target, surveil, and manipulate the American people are numbered. On an earnings call in May last year, Joe Berchtold, CFO of Live Nation, which owns Ticketmaster, said the company was supportive of the bills and viewed the legislation as helpful to the ticketing business. The Fans First Act, which was initially introduced in December by Sens. John Cornyn, Amy Klobuchar, Marsha Blackburn, Peter Welch, Roger Wicker and Ben Ray Lujan, aims to address flaws in the current live event ticketing system.

U.S. Reps. Torres and Espaillat Statement on Updated Race and Ethnicity Census Data Standards

However the growing demands of the new nation required that Congress establish a permanent committee to manage its constitutional authority under the Commerce Clause to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States." To manage the wide variety of issues it encounters, the committee relies on the front-line work of six subcommittees, one more than during the 111th Congress. During the 111th Congress, Chairman Henry Waxman combined the traditionally separate energy and environment subcommittees into a single subcommittee.[4] New Chairman Fred Upton restored them as separate subcommittees at the start of the 112th Congress, and they have been retained to this day. The bill was signed into law by President Biden on April 24, 2024, starting the clock on TikTok’s requirement to divest from CCP-controlled ByteDance.

Appropriations Community Project Funding Requests

This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds as it will enable the training of hundreds of students per year in the highly desirable advanced manufacturing. The project will fund the purchase of equipment and apparatus for the Regional Fire Academy. This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds as it will expedite worker entry into middle-skill jobs while improving the availability and training of the firefighting workforce in a fire-prone area of the country. The project will make improvements to the Sequoia Avenue highway-rail grade crossing to bring the crossing up to current safety standards.

house commerce committee

The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 23 U.S.C. 133(b). The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 23 USC 133. At one of the committee’s few public meetings, Luria alleged that the Justice Department slow-walked charges against former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows for being held in contempt of Congress after disobeying a committee subpoena. “We need to look at this issue from all angles — inclusive of the role the president played as well as the security of the Capitol on that day,” Murphy told the Washington Post. Kinzinger and Cheney were both censured by the Republican National Committee for participating in the committee. First elected to Congress in 1994, Lofgren is a stalwart liberal vote in Congress and is both an ally of Pelosi and well respected among rank-and-file Democrats.

Environment, Manufacturing, & Critical Materials

Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup on Protecting American Data and National Security from Foreign ... - Energy and Commerce Committee

Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup on Protecting American Data and National Security from Foreign ....

Posted: Tue, 05 Mar 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

At the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on February 15th, there was bipartisan agreement that this legislation is the correct path for Congress to pursue. It is abundantly clear that the bill has the necessary buy-in from stakeholders and even amongst bipartisan members of Congress — now, we need to ensure it makes it onto the House and Senate floors for a vote. The funding would add capacity to the City’s roadway network where known chokepoints exist that create significant traffic congestion, improve bus frequency and accessibility, and enhance economic development. The project will fund the purchase of equipment for educational and training courses targeting at-risk and underserved youth in Lancaster.

Health Subcommittee Hearing: “Legislative Proposals to Support Patients with Rare Diseases” - Energy and Commerce Committee

Health Subcommittee Hearing: “Legislative Proposals to Support Patients with Rare Diseases”.

Posted: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Fire Administration Act in the wake of the deadly Twin Parks North West fire last year, which President Biden signed into law, and is currently leading the Safer Heat Act of 2023 to address underlying manufacturing issues and safety concerns with space heaters. The funding would improve safety and operation along the Antelope Valley Line by replacing rail,  replacing existing wood ties with concrete ties, surfacing, and destressing of the track between Acton Station and Via Princessa Station. This project will connect employers, educators, and students to develop and implement curriculum for programs to better prepare the emerging workforce to enter the job market in today’s economy. This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds as it will improve the quality and quantity of the emerging workforce in the area.

The American Privacy Rights Act Puts People in Control of Their Data

She is chairwoman of the House Administration Committee, which oversees the Capitol Police. That committee has held several hearings on how department leaders handled the riot and the security failures that allowed more than 1,000 people to storm the building without going through normal security procedures. Chair Rodgers called TikTok CEO Shou Chew to appear before the committee to testify on TikTok’s consumer privacy and data security practices, the platforms’ impact on kids, and its relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. This bipartisan legislation‚ which aimed to deal with homeless encampments in public places‚ was rejected by the Senate Public Safety Committee. The bill was modeled on part of a program that is working well in the City of San Diego.

Our main mission is to help provide emergency and urgent medical care and support for those individuals who have nowhere else to turn. These people are not healthy enough or wealthy enough to qualify for insurance or Obamacare. The bill underscores Rep. Torres’s unwavering commitment to improving fire safety for New Yorkers and all Americans.

Hundreds of musicians signed a letter in support of The Fans First Act, which aims to address flaws in the current live event ticketing system. The legislation tightens standards for reusable bags and requires stores to provide 100 percent recycled paper bags or let consumers use reusable bags. SB 1053 closes the loophole to the original ban on plastic bags enacted 10 years ago that has allowed stores to provide customers thicker plastic bags at the checkout counter.

“We are interested in your efforts to secure Change Healthcare’s systems since it was acquired by your company and the efforts you are taking to restore system functionality and support patients and providers affected by the attack.” Change Healthcare’s platforms touch an estimated one in three U.S. patient records. Its systems process roughly 15 billion transactions annually, and are linked to approximately 900,000 physicians, 118,000 dentists, 33,000 pharmacies, and 5,500 hospitals nationwide. The breadth of Change Healthcare’s infrastructure all but ensures that the scope of the current disruption, and any disruption in Change Healthcare services, will be extensive. “The health care system is rapidly consolidating at virtually every level, creating fewer redundancies and more vulnerability to the entire system if an entity with significant market share at any level of the system is compromised,” the Committee leaders wrote. The Committee leaders requested answers to a series of detailed questions by April 29, 2024. The House Committee on Energy and Commerce has developed what is arguably the broadest (non-tax-oriented) jurisdiction of any congressional committee.

This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the project will improve the safety and flow of traffic along an area frequented by pedestrians and motorists. This project is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the completed modifications will improve traffic safety along a key travel corridor for the region’s aerospace workforce, including at U.S. “Like any other piece of critical infrastructure in this country, we rely on our ability to access the internet every day—an essential part of Americans’ daily lives that deserves protection. “Today the FCC has rightfully reclaimed its authority over broadband internet, correcting the Trump administration’s unpopular, misguided dereliction of the FCC’s responsibility to ensure a free and open internet for all Americans. Deeply reported insights into legislation, politics and policy from Sacramento, Washington and beyond.

The investigative reports and efforts of CDLU have provoked several U.S. congressional probes including hearings by the U.S. As President and Chief Executive Officer of the CDLU, K. B. Forbes authored nine investigative reports, successfully spurred three Congressional hearings, and worked coast to coast to improve healthcare for all. “On December 6, 2023, the House Energy and Commerce Committee unanimously passed an updated version of the legislation that directs the CPSC to create a stronger, more comprehensive safety standard for lithium-ion batteries used in micromobility devices. We strongly support these changes, which expand the scope of the legislation to include equipment related to or used in conjunction with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, including chargers, cables, external packs on chargers and freestanding charging stages. We believe this legislation, as amended, is well positioned to combat the increasing frequency of lithium-ion battery-related fires and will ultimately save lives.


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